The focus of my work lies on providing easy-to-read and faultless texts that are appropriate for the context while retaining the style of the author.

Following is a list of the services I provide to give you an idea of how I work and what you can expect. As every task is different, you are welcome to contact me to discuss your specific project.



Error-free spelling, correct punctuation and formating, including numeration of figures and tables
Grammar and  syntax
Improved style, clarity, and sentence structure including word order, verb tenses, agreement, prepositions
Content editing
Inserting paragraph breaks and merging paragraphs where applicable and deleting repetitions
Clarification of the focus of individual paragraphs and sections
Logical sequence of sentences and paragraphs

Clearly presented concepts and ideas


Translation is not a mere reproduction of a text in another language. My aim is to provide you with a text that feels like an original text in the target language.


Spellcheck changes with or without 'track changes' in Word documents, without mark-up in other file types.
Grammar and syntax changes  with or without 'track changes' in Word documents, without mark-up in other file types.
All content editing changes are marked with explanatory comments so that they can be discussed and accepted or rejected.

Technological tools

SDL Trados Translation Memory, Visual Localize, DeepL